Sleeping Lady's Clover
Clover and Leo are owned by Lisa Rone.
Clover is a McKaela x Steele puppy born August 13th, 2010.
March 16th: The very adorable Clover! |
January 2nd: Clover chomping down on her Christmas toy! |
September 12th: Leo, Clover and their Mom, Lisa at the beach. |
December 25th: Happy Holidays from Leo, Clover and Lisa. |
June 26: Leo and Clover all snuggled up in the backseat on the way home after a long weekend. |
May 23rd: Clover at Camp Run-A-Pup. |
January 15th: The Chicago Herd gets together for fun and shenanigans: Leo, LuLu, Clover, and Rosie. |

August 13th: Happy second birthday Clover! Here's an adorable picture of Clover at 3 months old. |

Clover, December 2010
Clover and LuLu, December 2010
Clover and Maureen, November 2010
Clover and Emma, November 2010
Clover and Emma, November 2010