Sleeping Lady's Tiger Lili

Lili is a Fion X Jag puppy
Lili won Southern California Bouvier des Flandres Club
Winners Bitch 2004 - at 9 mos of age!
January 30th: Very sad news. Lili died on January 19th. She was a tremendous dog and was absolutely devoted to Peggy and Jon and they were devoted to Lili. Here's a poem of remembrance:
She's Just My Dog.
She is my other eyes that can see above the clouds;
My other ears that can hear above the winds.
She is the part of me that can reach out into the seas.
She has told me a thousand times over that I am her reason for being...
By the way she rests against my leg.
By the way she thumps her tail at my smallest smile.
By the way she shows her hurt when I leave without taking her.
When I am wrong, she is delighted to forgive,
When I am angry, she clowns to make me smile,
When I am happy, she is joy abound,
When I am a fool, she ignores it.
When I succeed, she brags.
Without her, I am only another person,
With her, I am all powerful.
She has promised to wait for me...Whenever...
In case I need her, and I expect I will - as I always have.

March 11th: Lili enjoying the good life in Palm Springs. |
March 10th. The Lili Pad hanging out in one of her favorite places. |
March 10th. Here's a slideshow of Lili's very handsome boy, Henri. |
November 2007 - Lili is happy with her new family Jon and Peggy
Lounging poolside in Palm Springs, March 08.
Lili under the Pool Gazebo with Peggy, watching the birds. Palm Springs, March 08.
Lili and Jon up for coffee on the logia and watching the sunrise. Palm Springs, March 08.
Lili and Peggy at Lily Pond in Washington Park in Denver, CO 2008
Dec. 08 Palm Springs, CA (Lili was tired after watching Jon clean the pool)
Lili, October 2009 - This is how Lili dealt with the first snow!
Lili, March 2010 - Squirrel hunting after a fresh snow storm.
Lili was in very
unfortunate circumstances with her co owners who promised the
world. She was bred under 2 years then tossed out, or so they
thought, but then came home to me with only 1 point to finish her
championship Her puppies are a mystery, there is no tracing them.
What their former owners didn't realize was the chance to
reverse my bad judgment by allowing Lili to go to them was a
gift they certainly did not want me to receive. Her grateful
smooches are all I need. She was shaved to the skin but still so
wonderful and beautiful. The one point would have been easy.
After the transfer of registration paper to me I received an
e-mail with her spay certificate.
Lili is a champion in every
respect and we will prove it in obedience.
Tige and Lili whisper their war stories as they lounge in
chilly Alaska; only they know what their puppyhood was like. |
Lili at home
November 2006
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