Am/Intl CH BIS Sleeping
Lady's Fion
Delta Society Certified Pet Therapy Dog - 2007
"My Fioni, where can I begin? A wonderful companion, a beautiful show dog, the sweetest girl ever. Fioni spread happiness wherever she traveled. She is my heart. I love her. I know she is dancing with her brother Finn. Thank you Stormee their Mom and Romeo their Dad for producing such special friends." - Judy
Sympathy from the Lowery's
You lost a special friend today
the kind you can't replace,
and looking at her empty bed
You still can see her face.
You know she's in a special place
our Lord has for such friends,
Where meadows, fields & flowers
help make them strong and whole again.
You know she's watching over you
She'll be with you when you cry,
So with one more kiss on her beloved head
You told your friend goodbye.
All our love,
Alvin & Diane
Sorbet & Luciano
Purple orchid given by Tim in memory of Fion.

Best In Show!
 AKC Best
in Show
#1 Bouvier
Top 20
Breed 2000 - 2002
Best of Opposite Sex to
Best of Breed
Westminster 2002
Select - at 1st AKC
Invitational Championship
Orlando, Florida 2002
18 Group 1
wins in 2001 Winner
of the "Bo Peep" trophy
2000, 2001, 2002 (most points ever Greater Washington Club)

Though Fion has been retired from the show circuit, she has not exactly been retired from activities. Fion and Judy achieved their Delta Society Therapy Dog certification and enjoy their visits to local hospitals, retirement homes, and schools. Fion is also a popular Junior Handling exhibit who enjoys the ring as much as ever with her new young handler friends. She also sweeped the Veterans Sweepstakes at the Alaska Herding Group Club Specialty in June 2007 awarded Best Veteran by Judge Bobbi Brandt.


It is wonderful to have
Fioni home! She is a ray of sunshine in Alaska. Her joys are rough housing
with her soul mate and litter mate Finn, and long walks under the midnight
Fion retired at the end of
February 2002, after the International Dog Shows of Chicago, with Breed and
Group wins daily. She retired ranked as the AKC #1 Bouvier. She was an AKC
Top Five Bouvier for 2001 and 2002; ABDFC Top 20 for 2000, 2001 and 2002.
This could not have happened with out the support of Tim McConnell, Suzanne
Garcia, and Jacqueline Anderson-Parker. Thank you all!
Fion sends a smooch to all
of her humans!
Click here to see Fion X Jag
Fion and Judy taking a break at Westminster
