August 24th: Hanna earned her TDX! |
May 4th: Hanna and Vineeta doing agility at the Novice Std level. |
May 4th: Hanna and Vineeta doing agility during the Open JWWP in Wasilla. |
February 17th: Terrific action shot of Hanna doing agility. |
November 3rd: Massive cuteness: Hanna and her cart. |
August 27th: Hanna having great fun with her squeeky toy. |
June 26th: Hanna with a glove. What could this mean? Well, it means that Hanna is now qualified to compete in tracking events. Whoo Hoo!!! |
November 29th: Hanna in the snow. |
November 28th: The official pictures are in from the Speciality. Here's a slide show featuring Apple, Desi, Brielle, and Hanna. |
November 6th: Hanna nailing the teeter-totter. |
November 4th: Hanna at the National Bouvier Speciality. |
August 22nd: Hanna watching carefully as Paul makes chili. |
April 5th: Hanna on the grooming table. |
February 25th: The massively cute Hanna stacking like a German Shepherd. |
From December: Hanna excelling at puppy agility. Hanna is gonna be a star! |
From November: Hanna snuggling in with Paul. |

October 17th: Hanna hanging out on the patio. |

October 8th: Hanna settling in at her new home. |

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