Ch Sleeping Lady's Tangerine Gelato "Gili" |
Gili the birthday girl 2011
Gili the birthday girl with Weston 2011
Gili and Weston May 2010
Gili and Scott April 2010
Gili cuddles up to Scott
Weston was excited to see Gili
With brother Luci in Kenai 2008
At the AK Specialty Herding Group Show, Gili went reserve (BOS) Winners Bitch 5/31/08,
and took Winners Bitch BOS 6/1/08.
She won her first major!
Gili was Winners Bitch at the Anchorage show in January.
Gili hangs over the gate with her brother Luci.
Gili shares another moment with Luci.
Sleeping Lady Bouviers,
Anchorage, Alaska
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, Sleeping Lady's Bouviers, All Rights Reserved |